Thursday, September 25, 2008

35 things i believe in

1. Stupid people are always ignorant, but ignorant people are not always stupid.
2. Everything happens for a reason.
3. Different strokes for different folks.
4. There is most likely other intelligent life somewhere in the universe.
5. I work to live, I don't live to work.
6. Minds are like parachutes; in order to function properly, they must be open.
7. Don't shit in your own backyard.
8. You can tell a lot about a man by the way he treats his mother.
9. Shit happens, despite the best of intentions and precautions.
10. Time heals all wounds and wounds all heels.
11. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
12. The purpose of life is to enjoy it.
13. Think for yourself.
14. .Freedom FROM religion is as important as freedom OF religion.
15. Image without substance is worthless.
16. No one should be denied health care or education for lack of money
17. Eat right, keep fit, die anyway
18. Actions speak louder than words; talk is cheap
19. What you know should be more important than who you know.
20. Don't beat a dead horse.
21. You can hide garbage in a closet, but it doesn't keep it from stinking.
Work smarter, not harder.
22. Normal is boring.
23. Mental fitness lasts longer than physical fitness.
24. Don't judge a book by its cover.
25. Everyone else does" isn't a reason; it's an excuse.
26. There's nothing as overrated as a bad fuck, nor as underrated as a good shit.
27. Don't work yourself out of a job.
28. Motives are as important as actions, and often are more important.
29. It's easier to be busy than it is to try to merely look busy.
30. If there's a heaven, it's for everyone.
31. Different is not a synonym for wrong.
32. Knowledge is power.
33. Drive as if you expect other drivers to screw up. They will rarely disappoint you.
34. The weaker the argument, the louder the voice.
35. Be yourself.
posted by Debbie Vidal at 12:37 AM

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

what i've learned

I’ve learned a lot these past few years
Through my fake smiles and unseen tears
That friends sometimes aren’t forever
That true love doesn’t always last
And happy memories stay with you
But happy moments go by fast

Words can cut deeper then a sword
Leaving you with something
That no man could replace or ever afford
Sometimes things happen
Sometimes your heart will break
Though to feel happiness this is whats at stake
In order to have the comfort of heaven
and your story to live to tell
You must also experience the hate filled life of hell

Remember…there will always be someone there
Someone that honestly does care
A person can leave your life
Leave you alone with your worries and strife
But like pain, the love you once felt cannot from your body depart
But only may enter your heart
Don’t worry someday it will get better
Your mornings will grow joyful with someone to love
And you’ll have the kind of life you thought you could only dream of

I’ve been there before with my head in my hands
Believing that there’s no way anyone could ever understand
But they do…trying everything they can to help you
Still you sit there unknowing and blind

posted by Debbie Vidal at 4:57 PM


Love is so strong.

Yet many people don’t have it.

People tell me I don’t understand it.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t feel it.

When I say “I Love You”.

I mean it.

I don’t understand it.

But I know it’s a good thing.

And I don’t want to loose a good thing.

posted by Debbie Vidal at 4:14 PM

just dropping by

Days draw to an end… 24 hours can mean so little, yet so much. In just twenty-four hours, a person can undertake a whole renewal of life. They could change from a caterpillar to a butterfly. Whoever said, don’t sweat the small things, was so so wrong. The small things matter just as much. The way a person smiles when they are nervous, or the colour of their laces, are as relevant as the current price of housing and the safety of the world.

What I’m trying to say is, we may spend our entire lives searching for the meaning of life and never find it. It’s better to live in the moment and cherish the things closest to us. love~

posted by Debbie Vidal at 4:10 PM

Monday, January 28, 2008

a long.. boring read

No, this is not what you want to read to get over a painful break-up. This is not an enlightening vision to move on or an inspiring tale of how to salvage you self-worth. I am not like and will never be like Coelho or those love gurus. This is just my tale and if you happen to share it, good. Good for you, good for me. If anything, at least we know that we are not alone.

I don’t dispense advices that much anymore. I quickly learned that people don’t need my opinion. It is I who need to air them out. I am not in any way smarter, better, stronger or happier. Goodness, I’m a kid. There’s nothing you can learn from me. There is no resolution to this because life operates ambiguously. Why should my little piece of crap have a denouement?

Anyhow, for the sake of my personal entertainment, let’s proceed.

When you get your heart broken and I mean, your heart, your being, your soul, whatever part of you that you deem houses what you deem to be love and everything that’s truly important to you that doesn’t have an exact physical, tangible, visble counterpart- when that massive part of who you are gets hurt, you die. I’m serious. You really die. It’s a different thing when it dies on its own from when you treat it by amputating a part of it. When you break up with someone, when their part in your story has ended upon your whim, it will only feel like you lost your ears or the 10 pesos firecracker you bought from your suking tindahan has devoured your finger on New Year’s Eve. It’s painful. You’re hurt but you heal and then you go back to your old life. And then come next year, you’re playing with firecrackers again, only this time, you use watusi. (Nagiging cheap ka na eh. Mahal ang surgery.)But the pain I’m talking about is different. There’s an abrupt death. The first time it happens can be the last time. If it happens more than once, you’re one lucky SOB. Painom ka naman diyan, tsong.

But to some people, it happens only once and that first time kills not just one person. It kills a generation, a country. Because that pain originates from true love. Corny, isn’t it? True love. Ang labo, ang baduy. But it is true. Here’s your scenario: You are not a beginner in the game of love. You have experienced love. You’ve had a love that could have lasted a month, a year, a decade. But when that love disappears, nothing in you changes that much. You haven’t learned a lot, really. You haven’t truly given yourself.But hopefully, once in your life, you’ll experience true love. It is a great love. Everything you believed in your life before will alter. It’s not a stupid love. It’s mad but it’s not stupid. You don’t become a drug addict or a bank robber or a pimp when you have this love. Ok maybe, you will. I try not to be preachy when it comes to people’s preferences. Whatever it is, it’s a love that makes you do a hundred and eighty degree, cartwheels and all these twists and turns that will make Madonna feel literally like a virgin.

Everthing around you is heightened at first and then, you gradually calm things down, depending on your situation. If you know that this could last a while, there are no threats of dissolution, you relax, the relationship relaxes. But if you’re always on the verge of losing that person, for some reason beyond your control, you don’t take things for granted. Whichever way it goes, you’ll know a great love once you have it.One of the signs of a great love, at least from experience, is when you know it’s the right person. He is not the right man because he is everything you want in a mate. But somehow, all the nitty-gritty parts of him, parts of him that usually make you vomit, all these are things you manage to live with. Sure, you hope he would change a bit. But you accept who he is because you suddenly realize that the saying, “One is loved because one is loved” has finally come true here. And even if he changes, say, he suddenly grows a beer belly or he’s losing his hair or there are more wrinkles in his forehead, or he has stopped giving you flowers on your anniversary or you fight more, it’s ok, it’s alright. Having him in your life is a privilege in itself so although you are not a bouncy cheerleader anymore, you get bored sometimes, you get angry, you’re still happy. You’ll have your moments but they’ll pass.

Another sign of the true love is when you feel brave. No, you won’t get deployed to Iraq and have a screamfest ala When September Ends by Greenday has but you know, you take risks. When you fall, you don’t follow Dan Brown’s unrealistic suggestion to take a cloth out during the fall so you can reduce the possibility of death by 20%. You fall and you don’t think. All your adult life, you were dead set on never getting married, never having children, never living with someone. You wanted an uncomplicated, laidback, pain-free life. Not only was that more economical, it was less hassle, less emotional baggage. You never believed that you can be with just one person the rest of your days but somehow, with this one, all your childhood fantasies you thought you’ve lost come rushing back and you take a step forward every single minute. You’re still a little scared but you know it: you want to take that risk with this person. Sure, your love might lose its steam but who cares? You want to take this person’s s**t. You want to see his monster and you want to unleash yours. Maybe you already have. But seeing and becoming those monsters everyday, getting hurt every minute, losing some of your original dreams- you are ready for all these and more.

Aside from it being a choice, the great love elicits a lot of passion and energy as well, especially in the beginning. Love is a decision, I agree with that. But it can’t be just a decision. There has to be genuine feelings in there. I tried the whole decision thing and it didn’t work. When it ended, I was relieved. But with this one, you feel passionate about him. Not that all you can think about is sex everyday. But you want to be close to him, you want to snuggle, you crave that physical intimacy once in a while. You can’t help but touch him and you feel like the world is alright, everything is rosy when he hugs you from behind. You’re tender towards him and you feel a tug in your insides when you stare at each other. “This is it, man, this is it!”, your brain screams.Then, all of a sudden, it’s over.You break it off because of too many reasons: could be that you outgrew each other or he has another girl or the long distance thing isn’t working or your relationship is blocking your career or your cultural backgrounds could be much of a conflict or his family didn’t like you or time was never on your side. (Whew. Hiningal ako dun.) Too many reasons to break up. Logical, practical, matured reasons. They make sense. They’re right.

In a black and white world, these reasons are enough. Environments are stronger than people and we all dissolve into them. We have to. We’re not superhuman. We’re ordinary folks trying to live our lives the best way we know how, trying to have it all, trying to do the right thing every single time.So you break up. It’s a done deal. You move on, he moves on. In your head, you think he’s moving on quickly. In fact, you’re wondering if maybe he has moved on a long time ago. You wonder if any of it was real, if he was lying all the time when he told you that he loved you. You feel used, you feel stupid. You wonder if he really loved you and that’s your biggest question. F**k that crap about love being a completely selfless thing. If you don’t care if he loves you or not, why bother being with him in the first place? Of course, you want him to love you. Love is intrinsically a selfish thing. It’s what you do with it that makes it a little selfless. But inside our teeny-weeny brains, inside our bitter hearts, we want to be loved by the people we love. You spend your nights and days, crying. Muffled sobs, you prefer muffled sobs. You can never talk to your parents or your siblings about your pain and truth be told, when you broke up, you wanted to pretend it didn’t happen. You wanted to believe that there was a fighting chance to resolve all things. But when you cry alone in your room, you hide those tears from people because if other people didn’t know, you could pretend that it didn’t happen.

Aside from that, you wretched lover you, the bastard breaks your heart but your first instinct was to protect his image. Then slowly, gradually, you try to go back to your old life. You can’t. I told you, you die after this. Some people experience rebirths but you, you might not. Why, you ask? Well, your history molded you in such a way that you never believed in love, really. So when it happened, you felt weird. Why did it happen to you? You grew up believing you never deserved the great things in life so it actually makes sense that you’ve lost the best thing that happened to you. You keep losing people. You always get left behind. And when people leave, you always wonder if you even existed to them, if you mattered. No, you are not emo. You’re just stating a fact that some people are fortunate enough not to experience.But this one, his disappearance, this end. This one hurts the most because this is love that was brought upon not by blood or consaguinity, not by responsibilities but the simple magic of circumstances, nurtured by your growing and irrevocable fondness for someone.

Out of the many important things in his life, you wonder why you were the least important. He was your top priority which is even why you accepted why you had to let him go. You ask why you’re the one he was willing to give up. If you were truly loved, isn’t it that he should worry most about how you would feel upon losing him? You’re the one who would steadily need him. You’re his equal. So why didn’t he fight for you?So here you are now. You are reading this, you are typing this, you are thinking this. He left. It’s over. While other people reassure you that there’ll be someone better, there’s a reason- you look back at all the losses in your life. You reflect on all your questions you’ve been carrying for more than a decade and none of them had been answered. You are not worried about feeling love again. You might, that’s true. Heck, you might even get married. But the sad reality is, life is not a series of replacements. You loved this man, you still do and he was the right person. You had that conviction. What are the chances it’s going to happen again? You’re not even scared about making mistakes or getting hurt, getting screwed over.

But some elements, some things, some love, some kinds of happiness never really exist again. You have a flicker of it, it leaves you and you’re never the same after. You’re doing good with your job, you pay your taxes, you hang out with friends. You’re not a poster girl for depression. You’re actually doing fine but you can’t forget the pain. It’s there and there’s no escaping it.

Suddenly, you understand people who get drunk all the time, those who resort to drugs and people who have countless one night stands. Even people who get attached too quickly after. They want to be in a trance. So do you and you envy them because that’s not your style. You wish it was but it’s not.But since you’re a wreck, a major idiot and you’re really still a child, you still dream. You wait. You wait eventhough you know you’re not supposed to. There might not be anything to really wait for, to hold on to. Your cellphone is dead silent. You’ve checked your e-mail for the nth time. You’ve logged on to YM. There’s nothing. It’s just another day in the office. Then you go home tonight. You have dinner, you talk with your dad, you watch Family Guy and you laugh hysterically. Then when you’re finally alone in your room, before you go to sleep, the muffled sobs come again.
posted by Debbie Vidal at 7:51 PM

the Pseudo Thing

A while ago I was chatting to a friend who was ranting about this guy whom she had semi-regularly hooked up with for a few months. After how many weeks of not hearing anything from the guy, one night, just right out of the blue, the guy’s name pops out from her phone (bluntly speaking, guy walks in & walks out on her at any time). Now, elusive guy is inviting her to his pad, saying that he keeps on thinking about her & that he wanted to do it with her again. Now you get the picture?While my friend is fancying for an emotional connection with this guy (after a series of intimate moments with him), the latter is not only as upsettingly elusive, but is up merely for his carnal desires. Perhaps the guy thought of my friend as a 24-hour convenience store that can be delivered anytime he wants to his house (free pa!). She was so furious that she decided it was a snapping point & finally dropped him after his last call for a hookup.

But really now, why do a lot of women put up with these kind of set up – of pseudo relationships, flings, the no-strings arrangements & such. Or further yet, the sex with no strings. No dinner, no movies, no clothes. You play the game with him. You convince yourself that you can be invulnerable too, constructing all your defenses to keep up with him. But gradually you realize that your heart starts to betray you. How could you send regrets, he is a charming temptation. You bite it, fully aware of those premises, & yet you end up choking. Or worse, poisoned. I am not entirely generalizing, but I know a lot of women who end up falling in love in this kind of arrangement. And the sad part here is knowing that the guy isn’t just into you totally & has no intentions or interests in anything heavy right now.

So how do you deal with this part?Just how do you get rid of the sparks of feelings of attachment (in the middle of his kisses, his caresses, and the moments between the sheets)? Or have you ever wished for a love-immunity-pill to save yourself from the pits before playing the game? Sabi nga ng isang friend ko, pag nagkataon meron, she’ll overdose herself. So after everything else, there won’t be any funny ways of backfiring. hayy.. sad.. but thats true.. that's love ( kuno)=p
posted by Debbie Vidal at 7:44 PM

Saturday, April 21, 2007

my bestfriend' graduation

It's not your blue blood, your pedigree or your college degree. It's what you do
with your life that counts.

-- Millard Fuller

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

-- Aristotle

What an amazing day! I met my friends after three weeks of vacation. So many highlights, where do I start? Well, firstly, being able to share the occasion with epol who is graduated from masteral degree who is my bestfriend – and with maan and her mother. I see epol’s mom pride on her face when she saw epol in her cap and gown and after epol had been presented with her degree, Im at the side of the stage snapping picture. Then there was the chance to meet up again with some of my friends. The dinner at the epol’s house was a great & lots of cool topics initiated by Roel. While we are having our dinner ( me,maan, roel, epol) , Roel keeps on asking about our past love life. Hehe! Corny!

Anyway..congratulations! happy graduation epol..
posted by Debbie Vidal at 12:27 AM

Friday, April 20, 2007


Old friends. Ahhh! Is the feeling you should have when you think of a good friend from years ago. You should have the feeling of happiness, joy, fun, and a good feeling of nostalgia. My belief is that you should not live in the past, always look to the future. But when having good old friends, I believe you should be able to reminisce with laughter and smiles.

I have a group of my old friends ( BGA) that I have known since high school. We have been friends for 9 years now. When we were younger, we spent almost everyday together. We enjoyed going to beach, going to the town and then staying at saw’s house.

The summer of ‘06 is one of the best we shared. We had such a blast, that we still talk and laugh about it to this day. We went to bangus festival and had a great time. It’s great to be able to look back on those times good or bad, that we shared, and reminisce. The reason I mention this is because, even though we shared so many of the same experiences then, we are now living totally different lives. We are all busy with our different chosen path.

Sasaw – is an engineer working in Olongapo City ( 6 hours away from my place).
Apple – just finished her masteral degree in business administration @ univ
of pangasinan.
Roel – the most prettiest in our group with her crowning
beauty ( hehe) . he is a proud gay of our group and plans to work
Corp – is an engineer working in DECORP.
Maan – future doctor ;
medical student
Me – future nurse

Though our lives are so different, we are still the best of friends we were then. We always find time to see each other no matter how hectic our schedule is, we kept in touch. Most contact was for birthdays and to share special occasions.

My friends are blessing to me. I am so glad that we kept in touch and am now even closer. I believe that ishould never look back on the negative past, only the good past with friends. It brightens your life. So keep those friends and enjoy those memories! They are very special, that I will always remember those memories. I'll say it again, that we look back with enjoyment and laughter and it helps us through tough times. We can still make each other smile even when no one else can. I hope that they know how much I really care for our friendship. Its great to know that we can be there for each other in times of need. I love those memories and will always cherish them. They are my best medicine and I am confident that I am also to them.

I always believe that people should never live in the past but to use the positive aspects of it to continue on or learn from.Remember that there is nothing more special or wonderful as the memories you share with a good Old Friends. I suggest that if there is an old friend that you haven't spoken to in a while you should contact them now. Don't forget to share the good times you had in the past. Making a phone call or emailing is a great way to reconnect. If you are missing that old friend then take that first step.

Remember, Old Friends Are the Best Medicine.
posted by Debbie Vidal at 12:43 AM

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Great minds have purposes, others have dreams.

Washington Irving

First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.


This time a week ago I was getting more and more frustrated with the slow pace of my weight loss. As a new goal I’d set myself a target of being 110lbs before next class semester starts.
The writing was on the wall. I NEVER lose weight that rapidly, so despite daily hard workouts and a sub-1200 calorie allowance, I knew I was going to fail because I’m too pessimistic about it. I took a long look at the goals I set myself in other aspects of my life (where I’m usually reasonably successful at achieving them), and the common denominator in all my other goals was that I had some control over my ability to attain them. As examples, I set a goal for the number of hours to study each week to satisfy myself that I’m making sufficient progress.Similarly when I was studying for my degree, I set myself goals of how many hours I’d set aside for studying each week, and how much exam practice I’d do.All of those goals are (and were) challenging but achievable, so that I can be held accountable for a failure to achieve them.
With weight loss it was a different story. I realized that in the past I’d sold myself short, and set goals that I had little or no control over my ability to achieve. I could INFLUENCE my chances of success through my diet and exercise regime, but I couldn’t GUARANTEE it.I’d set myself some really crap goals. Despite my best intentions and best efforts I wasn’t able to put my hand on my heart and swear that I would be X weight by the day of my vacation. So I’d been feeling like a failure for all the wrong reasons.

Today I made a different set of goals, and these were:

#1: Exercise hard enough to DESERVE a 2 lbs a week weight loss

#2: Run a caloric deficit sufficient to DESERVE a 1 lb – 1.5 lbs a week loss

#3: Do 5560 minutes of combined cardio and high intensity resistance training between April and May 30 (the day before my 1st semester class start), equating to 40 minutes per day.

#4: Avoid highly processed foods.

#5: Avoid eating between meals Different goals, different mind set, different approach, different attitude towards the number on the scale.I figured that if I met these goals I’d be heading in generally the right direction whether the scales moved downward or not. And they were goals that I could control, and that I could justifiably be held accountable for.

posted by Debbie Vidal at 10:17 PM

Monday, April 16, 2007


I've been thinking a lot about my ex bf and going through sort of a grieving process. I have cried most of the time, I always feel sad that it didn't work out. He had his faults, many of them, but he was a sweet guy and good to me. Too bad he just wasn't around very much. Part of it is that I miss him but I think a bigger part of it is that I miss having somebody in my life. And I don't know how low it will be before I have that again. Sometimes I feel like it's going to be forever. But, maybe it only seems that way right now. I don't think I'm ready for someone new in my life yet. I get lonely at times but for the most part I don't want anyone in my life right now and for some reason that makes me sad too. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be able to trust another guy and allow myself to feel vulnerable again. You know, I just can't even picture myself with somebody right now. Can't imagine having another man in my life. I wonder if that will ever change. Or maybe I'll just be alone for the rest of my life. I'm not even sure if that would bother me or not. I can't imagine meeting anyone who is worth the difficulties of a relationship.

As Dr. Meredith Grey said hating you is the most exhausting ! my favorite line from grey's anatomy

posted by Debbie Vidal at 9:13 PM